My Fall Look

ph 001After discovering the collection of glass plate negatives in the Flickr account of Sydney, Australia’s Powerhouse Museum of Science and Design, I’ve been toying with the notion of bringing back the moustache. But unlike the one I grew this winter, I would like to anchor my fall look with a ‘stache like Australia’s early settlers, long, thick, well-kempt. In my experience with facial hair, I allow the thing to grow until it becomes wiry, out-of-control, and then I trim it. I’d like someone’s advice regarding waxes, oils, or other products I might utilize to make mine a walrus.

ph 002A modern Australian shearer.

85/1284-1240Upon seeing my last attempt, an actor friend exclaimed in a faux British accent, “Instant Character!” That it is. A moustache carries with it a certain je ne sais quois, a devil-may-care attitude with which I’m wont to ally myself anyways.

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ph 006You know how I feel about bowlers, or as our friends Down Under call them, derbies.

For more of Australia’s earliest settlers, see The Powerhouse Museum’s Flickr.


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11 responses to “My Fall Look

  1. I have a waxed tash myself, nothing to compare to the impressiveness of these quality gents and mine is much blonder but I do use a wax. I recently reviewed my favourite wax over at my blog, check it out for links and info.

  2. Desmond Pethig


    If you grow & maintain a mustache—to say nothing of the faraway look—like the man in the first picture, I will pay you one (1) crisp American dollar.



  3. Philip

    You can definitely pull it off.

  4. rob

    if you are going to do it, go all in. I expect nothing less than the man in the first picture.

  5. Joe

    Another vote FOR.

    You should do a time-lapse of its evolution and post a full clip November/December.

  6. Hmm…I have to say I’m more a fan of the full beard & mustache and haven’t quite latched on to these thick-haired numbers you’ve displayed above. That said, I have a friend who used to hang Froot Loops from his ‘stache and you could probably learn a thing or two from him.

  7. Max, go for it. I use Clubman’s wax, but only because I found it in my local CVS. Here is a good page on different waxes. Check out some of the mustaches on that website.


  8. Max

    start training your mustache now. there are certain sections of mine that tend to want to grow downward over my top lip. I generally just run a fine comb through it, even when it is short. think of it like training your hair to part to your preferred side. seems to help a lot. i also recommend pinaud-clubman wax very highly. i’ve tried many-a-wax, and clubman seems to work best with my mustache.

  9. This guy looks like the poster boy for my label. LOVE the Bowler. Running an ad campaign just like this next season. Great pic!

  10. Svensson, A.K.

    Instant character for sure, takes a good portion to pull off a ‘walrus’ though… Mine’s more of the twirly kind but I personally find wax too lumpy and time consuming to apply, especially those early mornings. I’d advice to go for the less traditional but way mintier choice of some Colgate Max Fresh. Toothpaste, yes, just make sure it’s of the blue-ish translucent kind. Without crystals for the summer version! Good luck.

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